Tuesday, September 19, 2023

29 Domingo de la Calzada

After watching the Corpus Christi celebration in the town upon our arrival in Domingo de la Calzada, we continued our walk and reached our hotel. Today, I stayed in a hotel that had been recommended by Rick. This marked the first time I had stayed in a hotel during my journey on the Camino de Santiago, providing a much-needed moment of peace and tranquility for a single night.

After checking in and taking a refreshing shower, I ventured into town for a light snack and a glass of wine, before returning to the hotel to rest briefly.

Around 6 pm, I set out once more to explore the town. It was during this time that I crossed paths with the French couple again at Plaza de Mayor. There, we shared warm embraces, exchanged kisses, and captured some photos together. I also had the pleasure of taking some photographs for them, which they greatly appreciated.

For dinner, I chose an outdoor table at a restaurant located at the heart of the plaza, joining two young Koreans. They informed me that they were not a couple but close friends walking the Camino together. The young woman spoke fluent English, while the young man had some proficiency. We engaged in a wonderful conversation throughout the meal.

As I made my way back to the hotel later in the evening, while passing through the town, I spotted Mark sitting outside a restaurant, sipping on a beer. I approached him to say hello, and it led to another glass of wine and a meaningful conversation. I had first met Mark two days prior when I asked him to take a photo of me, but we hadn't had the opportunity to chat. We had crossed paths again today on the road, marking our second encounter, and we decided to capture the moment with a selfie. We exchanged quick goodbyes, making this our third encounter. Both of us were delighted to have a genuine conversation this time.

Mark, an American who had recently lost his job, had chosen to embark on the Camino journey, with the full support of his wife and children. I was pleased to see him seize this opportunity to explore something different, which might have been challenging while holding down a full-time job.

Me with the French couple

Me with Mark 


*Domingo de la Calzada is a town located in the La Rioja region of northern Spain. It is situated in the province of La Rioja, which is known for its picturesque landscapes, vineyards, and wine production. Here are some key details about Domingo de la Calzada:

Domingo de la Calzada has a rich history dating back to medieval times. It is named after Saint Dominic of the Causeway (Domingo de la Calzada in Spanish), a 12th-century Spanish saint known for his work in improving the infrastructure of the region, including the construction of bridges and roads. The town grew around a pilgrimage route known as the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James), which passes through the area.

 The town is an important stop on the Camino de Santiago, a famous pilgrimage route that leads to the shrine of the apostle Saint James in Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. Pilgrims often visit the town to rest, receive assistance, and explore its historical sites.

Domingo de la Calzada is known for its historic architecture. One of its notable landmarks is the Cathedral of Saint Dominic, a Gothic-style church that houses the tomb of the town's namesake, Saint Dominic. The town also has a medieval bridge called the Puente de Santo Domingo, which spans the Oja River.

Like many Spanish towns, Domingo de la Calzada celebrates various festivals and events throughout the year. The Feast of Saint Dominic (Fiesta de Santo Domingo) is a significant celebration, typically held in May, where the town's patron saint is honored with religious processions and festivities.

Today, Domingo de la Calzada is a small but charming town with modern amenities and services for residents and visitors. It has restaurants, shops, and accommodations to cater to tourists and pilgrims.

**The "Hospedería Cisterciense" is a hotel located in Santo Domingo de la Calzada, situated in the historic center of Santo Domingo de la Calzada, making it a convenient option for pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. 

The Hospedería Cisterciense typically offers standard hotel amenities, including comfortable rooms, common areas for guests, and services such as 24-hour reception, Wi-Fi access, and parking, among others.

***The highlight of the Domingo de la Calzada is the Catedral de Santo Domingo de la Calzada and its gothic henhouse.  Santo Domingo is buried there as well, fittingly, in the middle of the road. The only remaining tower (of the original three) is detached and is located across the street.  

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