Monday, June 26, 2023

2 Why Walk Camino

The most asked question on the Camino is "Why are you doing this?" 

People walk the Camino for various reasons, and motivations can differ from person to person. Here are some common reasons why people choose to walk the Camino:

Spiritual or Religious Pilgrimage: The Camino de Santiago is one of the most famous Christian pilgrimages in the world. Many people undertake the journey for religious reasons, seeking spiritual growth, a closer connection with God.

Personal Challenge: Walking the Camino is a physically demanding endeavor, and many individuals are drawn to the challenge. It offers an opportunity to push personal boundaries, test endurance, and overcome obstacles. 

Self-Reflection and Soul Searching: The long stretches of walking in nature provide a peaceful and introspective environment. People often use this solitude as a time for self-reflection, contemplating life choices, finding clarity, or seeking answers to personal questions.

Cultural Experience: The Camino de Santiago is deeply rooted in history and tradition. It passes through picturesque villages, ancient towns, and stunning landscapes. Many people walk the Camino to immerse themselves in the local culture, interact with fellow pilgrims from different countries, and experience the diverse customs along the route.

Escaping Routine and Seeking Adventure: Some individuals embark on the Camino as a means of escape from their daily routine. They seek adventure, exploration, and a break from the pressures and stresses of everyday life. The Camino offers a chance to step outside one's comfort zone and embrace new experiences.

Physical Health and Fitness: Walking the Camino is a fantastic way to improve physical fitness. It provides an opportunity for exercise, fresh air, and a break from sedentary lifestyles. Many people choose to walk the Camino as a means of achieving personal health goals or maintaining an active lifestyle.

Healing and Coping: The Camino has a therapeutic aspect for many individuals. Some people walk as a way to heal emotional wounds, cope with loss or trauma, or find solace in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. The physical and mental challenges of the journey can aid in the healing process.

Adventure with Friends or Family: Walking the Camino can be a shared experience among friends, family members, or couples. It offers an opportunity for bonding, creating lasting memories, and fostering deeper relationships through shared challenges and accomplishments.

Personally, for me, it's driven by curiosity. I have an immense love for travel and the great outdoors. Walking the Camino seems like the perfect opportunity to embrace all the things I hold dear.

Here are a few reasons I've come across from other people I've met on the Camino:

An experienced pilgrim who has walked the Camino multiple times described it as an addiction. The journey holds an irresistible allure that keeps drawing them back time and time again.

An 18-year-old high school graduate walking alongside her father, and for them, the Camino was a special graduation gift—an opportunity for bonding and creating lasting memories before venturing into adulthood.

A biker I met shared his motivation. He and his wife were avid outdoor enthusiasts. Unfortunately, his wife sustained a shoulder injury during a climb last year and is still on the path to recovery. He decided to undertake the journey to Santiago as a way to pray for her healing and well-being.

Couple of people I encountered had recently quit their jobs, giving them the freedom and time to embark on the Camino. It served as a fulfilling way to embrace newfound freedom, explore new possibilities, and rediscover themselves.

It's fascinating to witness the diverse range of motivations behind each pilgrim's decision to walk the Camino de Santiago.

Now that I completed my first walk of Camino de Santiago, I want to tell you that I am so glad I did it! I want to tell you my stories and hope that they inspire you to do the same.

-What I enjoyed the most about walking the Camino is that life on the Camino is beautifully simple. I walk amidst stunning landscapes, accompanied by vibrant wildflowers. Each day, I relish in the freshness of the air and the melodies of birds singing freely. The diverse array of wildflowers keeps me company throughout my journey. As I traverse from one town to another, I witness the terrain transform, encountering vineyards, forests, and open fields adorned with various vegetation and flowers, crossing ancient bridges. These moments fill me with immense joy, enabling me to release any negativity from my heart and appreciate the extraordinary beauty of life, particularly my own.

-What I have learned the most from walking the Camino is that walking Camino takes one step at time and that applies to everything in our lives.

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